Congregation Rodeph Shalom (© Halkin | Mason Photography)
We are pleased to announce that CVM was a member of five different award-winning project teams at the AIA Philadelphia 2016 Design Awards. CVM was a sponsor of the event, which was held at The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, continuing our strong support for architects in the Philadelphia region.
In addition to three projects earning Merit Awards, CVM received recognition for work on KieranTimberlake’s Addition and Renovation to Congregation Rodeph Shalom (Gold Medal) and MGA’s Maltz Performing Arts Center at Case Western Reserve University (Honor Award, Preservation). The full list of recognized CVM projects is below. Congratulations to all of the award-winners!
- Addition and Renovation to Congregation Rodeph Shalom / KieranTimberlake (Built, Gold Medal)
- Maltz Performing Arts Center, Case Western Reserve University / MGA Partners Architects (Built, Honor Award–Preservation)
- Consortium for Building Energy Innovation, Pennsylvania State University / KieranTimberlake (Built, Merit Award)
- Dixon Athletic Center, Cabrini University / Wallace Roberts and Todd (Built, Merit)
- Hamilton Court Amenities Building, University of Pennsylvania / Coscia Moos Architecture (Unbuilt, Merit)