CVM assisted the University of Pennsylvania with the addition of two significant sculptures to their campus.
As the prime consultant to Penn, CVM provided Project Management and Structural Engineering services for the deinstallation, transportation and final installation of Louise Nevelson’s Atmosphere and Environment XII (1970) and Sir Jacob Epstein’s Social Consciousness (1954). Both works, owned by the Association for Public Art, were sited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and have been loaned to Penn for 99 years.
The process began in mid-July with the dismantling of both multi-ton sculptures. The installation of the Nevelson sculpture on Shoemaker Green, to the north of Franklin Field, was completed later that month. After undergoing an off-site restoration, the Epstein sculpture was delivered to and installed at Memorial Garden, behind Van Pelt Library, in late August.
The project team also included Ground Reconsidered (landscape architecture), Adam Jenkins Conservation Services, George Young Mammoet (rigging, including disassembly, transportation and reinstallation), Langan (site survey), and GeoStructures, Inc. (Geotechnical Engineering).