CVM’s Marcotte Elected to ACI Board of Direction

CVM Principal Tracy D. Marcotte, PhD, PE, FACI has been elected to the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI) Board of Direction.
CVM Principal Tracy D. Marcotte, PhD, PE, FACI has been elected to the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI) Board of Direction.
The Delaware Valley Association of Structural Engineers recognized four CVM projects at their 2017 Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards.
The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia has announced that the Old Library Rehabilitation at Bryn Mawr College will receive a Grand Jury Award at the 2017 Preservation Achievement Awards.
As the chair of ACI Committee 562, CVM Project Manager Keith Kesner, PhD, PE, SE is a sought-after voice in the concrete repair industry.
CVM designed and provided construction review of a machine foundation system for an EQUIMAGINE robotic imaging system at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center, the first such system to be installed at a teaching hospital anywhere in the world.
We are celebrating 30 years of CVM this year, and we hope there will be more than just cake.
CVM Project Manager Julie Wiley, PE has joined the 2017 Board of Directors of the Community Design Collaborative (CDC).
A 90,000 SF addition will allow for increased enrollment and expanded programs.
CVM provided structural engineering for the new Perelman Center for Jewish Life.
School, NJ State Officials Gather for Opening of Business Hall.